Doug McCartney has a vision for CIC Engineering that enhances its value and relevance within Manitoba’s innovation ecosystem as well as the composites community outside the province. His goal is to build on the foundation of what CIC Engineering already is and strategically move it in a more business-focused direction. He recognizes that the skills and competencies established within the organization are its economic currency.
“CIC Engineering is a catalyst,” he says. “It has the ability to work directly with industries and encourage them to embrace innovation, and help them develop those types of products that can be adopted by industry.” Doug wants to take advantage of the CIC Engineering’s role in demonstrating to a broad audience the value of composite materials, including their environmental and economic advantages.
In order to move towards a more business-oriented model, CIC Engineering will be focused on developing and fostering strategic long-term partnerships. Business opportunities that exist within our traditional areas of focus – aerospace, ground vehicles and biomaterials – will continue to be the foundation of the organization. However, greater attention will be placed on identifying new industries that can benefit from composites. For example, there is potential for composites in medical devices, such as orthotics and prosthetics, as well as the application of our staff’s expertise in the development of clean technologies.
Ultimately, he believes that long term success for CIC Engineering means delivering sustainable economic outcomes on both the private and public investments that it receives. With a client-centric and team-oriented approach in place, our team is excited to have Doug onboard to move the organization forward.